PACKAGING WITH NETS OUR PRODUCTS Our nets, which are widely used, are especially preferred in Packaging, Protection and Gardening. HEDEFFİLEFOOD BAG NETS Plum, Bean, Potato Onion, Garlic. VIEW HEDEFFİLEVEGETABLE FILLINGNETS Fast and durable Roll Nets. VIEW HEDEFFİLE METAL - WOOD PROTECTION NETS For Metal and Wood. Superior protection. VIEW HEDEFFİLEGLASS BOTTLE PROTECTION NET For glassware, Protection nets. VIEW HEDEFFİLE BALL NETS Stationery and Sports sector, strength and flexibility. VIEW HEDEFFİLETOY NETS Colorful, flexibility and light min. cost-effective solutions. VIEW HEDEFFİLETAPED FRUIT AND VEGETABLE COATS Adhesive tape. Practical and fast solution. VIEW HEDEFFİLEBATH POUF + TAILOR MADE PRODUCT according to your needs. VIEW HEDEFFİLEPROMOTIONAL FILES (SEALED NET) + TAILOR MADE PRODUCT according to your needs. VIEW HEDEFFİLETUBE NET (KNITTING NET) + TAILOR MADE PRODUCT according to your needs. VIEW HEDEFFİLEFLOWER NETS Colorful solutions in the flower industry. VIEW HEDEFFİLEPLANT PROTECTION NETS High durability, strength and flexibility. VIEW HEDEFFİLEMUSSEL NET Mussel packaging and transport nets. VIEW HEDEFFİLECLIPS WIRE MACHINE Clips Machine VIEW HEDEFFİLECONSTRUCTION NETS Colorful solutions in the flower industry. VIEW HEDEFFİLE SPECIAL PRODUCTS Suitable for needs, in different colors and sizes. VIEW